previous projects


All of the following works have been translated from English into German.

Aedeen Cremin, The World Encyclopedia of Archaeology. Firefly Books, 2007.

Philip Parker, Himalaya: The Exploration and Conquest of the Greatest Mountains on Earth. Conway, 2013.

Richard T. Neer, Art & Archaeology of the Greek World: A New History, c. 2500 - c. 150 BCE. Thames & Hudson, 2012.

Norman MacLeod: The Great Extinctions: What Causes Them and How They Shape Life. The Natural History Museum, 2013.

I have also collaborated with the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI) on a translation of their research database of the ongoing excavations at Pergamon.


Die Welt der Himmelsscheibe.

Rhenania, 2014.

Palm Verlag, 2017.


Die Bilderwelt von Lascaux.

Palm Verlag, 2015.

Other projects


The "Excavation at Cake Hill" was a 2-hour session for pre-school children, introducing them to the principles of an archaeological excavation through the medium of a layer cake. The individual layers of the cake were excavated, finds recorded, and much fun had by everybody involved.

"If you want to be a good archaeologist, you gotta get out of the library!" (Indiana Jones)